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Nation Builders School System


Why Pakistan?
Majority of the population is living in rural areas without basic necessities of life. It is a country where financial gap between rich and poor is widening day by day. From the last 15 years, extremism is increasing. What ever happens in the world it is almost understood even before investigations that it will have a link with Pakistan. Almost every kind of problem exists in Pakistan, including electricity load-shedding, bad economy, less educational facilities, less hospitals, no pure drinking water in many parts of the country. Pakistan is facing a health crisis with rising rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases, which affect poor families, with possible side effects of disability and premature death, and worsening poverty as people pay for medical treatment out of their own pockets. These problems exist in Pakistan right from its independence which as mentioned above was more than 70 years ago. We have been serving Pakistani community with spiritual and social educational activities despite the limitations of the current facility.  Our Vision Is to see transformed community city to city and town to town in Pakistan. we believe education project will help us to put our all efforts in making  great change in nation for a generation.

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