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The Crisis
Facing Pakistan

According to the UN, the global population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050. Yet currently, 8.9% of the population suffers from chronic hunger. In addition, around 258 million youth are out of school, with poverty and hunger being the main obstacle. The situation in Pakistan isn’t that different. With 50% of its population being food insecure and a ranking of 99 in Global Hunger Index. Till the issue of sustenance is not addressed, we risk leaving millions of people behind in terms of their education, health, economic growth, and their full potential.

Our Development Philosophy

Seeding Good

Hunger, poverty, and lack of education aren’t problems in of themselves, but rather symptoms of greater problems, within the distribution and production systems of food, water, energy, financial, and human capital resources problems which have arisen due to moral corruption, sense of injustice and vices that have seeped into human. For any viable solution, we need to weed out this corruption and seed good, turning vices within our system into virtues to create a just and sustainable future for all.

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